July 25, 2013 Spiritually Homeless YouthIn his book You Lost Me, David Kinnaman—president of the Barna Group—divides once church-going Millennials into three types...
September 22, 2016 The Changing Landscape of Youth MinistryThe increasingly complex intricacies of doing ministry in a post-modern, post-Christian reality have completely changed the context in...
January 17, 2016 Teaching the Next Generation to Lead with InfluenceWorking with the Global Church to better engage youth in a postmodern context, we wanted to partner with who’s doing leadership...
August 10, 2015 Youth and dis·en·gage·mentThe reality of whether young people are leaving the Church in droves, slow drifting away from deep faith...
January 12, 2015 Millennials speak for themselves: on faithMillennials, part 1 Millennials on the Bible and Miracles Let’s face it, sometimes Millennials get a bad rap....
July 24, 2014 6 Traits of Missions Programs Poised to Impact the FutureEver wonder what missions might look like 10 years from now? Will we be supporting digital missionaries that...
February 3, 2014 Sexless Japan: an unnatural patternIn Japan, Europe and the U.S., statistics are showing that people are marrying later in life or not...
October 7, 2013 Seeking the Peace of the CityAs President of a global evangelistic ministry, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing traditional pictures of revival –...